7th chord arpeggios manual – how to practise and use on Blue Bossa


7th chord arpeggios manual

24 pages of clear step wise explanation on how to practise and use.
VIDEO walk through  of all exercises and written out solo

Check the video teaser: https://youtu.be/b1dw2usGKOg

Are you looking to improve your jazz solos?
Do you spend time on practicing your arpeggios?
Are you checking out basic improvisation material?

The “7th chord arpeggios- HOW TO PRACTISE AND USE ON BLUE BOSSA” manual is made for you.
It takes you through the chords of Blue Bossa in a thorough way.
The examples and the written out solos are all presented written out, transcribed and on video.

In jazz music the arpeggio is of such importance that, when you play jazz music, you should be able to use this form in all thinkable ways.

In the stepwise walk through of this lesson video I explain the exercises slowly and layout the many facets you can directly add in your practise routine, making it easy to apply the 7th chords in your own practise.

I have also included solo transcriptions where I use the material of the exercises. In the transcriptions you can see and hear how you can apply the 7th chords patterns in a solo and how you can add this to your jazz vocabulary.

To the transcription there is added a full analyse of the solo lines  and explanation of all important notes played in the solo
This information, all in all, will lead you to how you better can train and use the 7th chords in your solos right away.

The 24 page lesson is consisting  of 8 thoroughly explained exercises and no less than 11 chorusses of transcribed and analysed solo.
All exercises and solos are connected to a high quality video example.

The music example I will use in this lesson is the well known original of Kenny Dorham “Blue Bossa”.

Check the full video tutorial: https://sorenballegaard.dk/product/full-lesson-transcription-arpeggios-as-a-part-of-your-jazz-vocabulary/


Following this method gives you great overview, easy progress and great insights in arpeggios and jazz improvisation!

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