Want to solo like the jazz greats? This lesson breaks down the first rule of jazz soloing—mastering chord tones. Using Autumn Leaves, I’ll show you how pros like Chet Baker ...
Unlock the key to fluent jazz solos! This method takes you from simple chord tones to expressive 8th-note phrases. Master rhythmic subdivision, motivic playing, and leading tones – creating natural, ...
Can you play a pure chord-tone solo over the jazz tunes you know? Watch Video and download PDF here Mastering chord tones is one of the most powerful tools in ...
Jazz Etude Collection – Motifs – The Strongest Melodic Tool Motifs – The Strongest Melodic Tool there is in music.Inspirational Etude on “Have You Met Miss Jones” on how to ...
Discover the genius of Coltrane’s simplicity! Learn how he connects tones, defines chord functions, and avoids mixed sounds. Master his clarity through step-by-step exercises, chord-tone solos, and targeted etudes. Unlock ...
If you want to learn to play Have You Met Miss Jones You might want to start herePlay and learn the chords and arpeggios VideoDownload PDF Free Scale Practice PDF ...
Learn to master the jazz standard ‘Autumn Leaves’ with this step-by-step guide. From melody and harmony to improvisation, this presentation simplifies complex techniques, offering practical exercises, rhythm tips, and chord ...
Chris Potter has an unique way of moving around in the jazz language.I believe it’s because of his one EPIC method of being able to play everything he hears. Learn ...
The most effective way to learn jazz is by playing jazz tunes. Start the best way possible by following these 5 simple steps.Do not get the beginning wrong LINK TO ...
Practicing the II-V-I progression is the best practice you can do.Learn the basic chords, add scales, learn the sound and get playing. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + get access to ...
Practicing modes is just not the most musical or efficient way to learn jazz improvisation.Modes get in the way of learning the actual structure and real sound of the songs ...
Arpeggios are one of the most important skills in jazz improvisation. These jazz licks show you the sound and how to use them in jazz improvisation. All licks are followed ...
Learning the Altered Scale is a matter of learning it the right way.Learning it using licks is so much easier than studying the scale.Learn the sound and you have immediate ...
Chris Potter is truly a Rhythm Genius. He learned from the greatest and kept developing. Check out how to start with simple rhythms and develop your rhythmic approach. LINK TO ...
Ear-training is not sitting down and listening to chords and recognizing them, It’s not hearing all the musical intervals. Ear-training is how you learn music and how you should practice ...
Sonny Rollins is so articulate and plays such fine lines. His playing screams out that we need to learn from him. This is what Michael Brecker did and he became ...
You must become really good at instant composing. To do this, start with the melody. Solo with the melody of the tune in mind gives you a much more natural improvising ...
Jazz soloing is all about playing beautiful melodies.But how do you find the beautiful melodies between chords and scales?Use this Chord Scale Approach getting into guide tone lines, target notes ...
Charlie Parker is a natural when it comes to melody playing. When we play melodies we need to think of how we connect to the next phrase. Knowledge of target ...
Michael Brecker is an incredible inspiration to me. How he moves around small musical themes, how he flows through rhythmic patterns and how with impeccable speed and precision executes his ...
To get people to listen to your improvisation you need to play strong melodies. Because strong melodies are one of the main reasons we listen to music.Chris Potter is one ...
I remember learning jazz – there was no real guide – just do.I know that with the right start you will be apple to understand, learn and advance much faster ...
All the jazz greats are absolute masters when playing the major scale. They need to be because the major scale is the absolute most important scale when playing the functional ...
The magic backdoor dominant in the group of minor subdominants are probably the most beautiful dominant in jazz. Understanding the origin and why this dominant is that beautiful is not only ...
Short video overview and pdf download list.Full access on tier 5 on Patreon 4 Beginner Licks You Must Know https://www.patreon.com/posts/97230686 https://youtube.com/shorts/r_UIIUldxzk Don’t Play The Root – Play Upper Structures https://www.patreon.com/posts/97230613 ...
Consider joining me on Tier 20 on Patreon. You will get access to almost unlimited amounts of material. This includes of course the weekly video lesson transcriptions and the 50+ ...
Coltranes blues sound is so powerful because of the simplicity and how Coltrane applies his lines to the blues. Begin using these Coltrane short blues phrases to build your own ...
Using triads gives you an amazing modern jazz sound.Super hip sounding triad pairs can be used both playing inside and outside the key.The simplicity of the triad pair and the ...
There are no avoid notes. The focus should be on the timing where you put the notes.In jazz music the avoid notes are often mentioned. The notes you are not ...
Music theory added to your playing, together with your ear training is the fastest way to get better at improvising jazz.Adding understanding and systematics to your playing can give you ...
Playing the pentatonic scales, Bebop scales and basic arpeggios are essential skills you need to master when playing jazz Blues .Learn the simple trademarks behind every playing style and get ...
This scale exercise gets your scales and chords together.Practicing this way enables you to immediately add your scales exercises to your music in a highly functional and musical way. LINK ...
These three exercises will teach you the basics of playing jazz linesExplaining simple chords and arpeggios, forward motion and guide tone lines. Adding scales and you have a great mix ...
II-V-I licks are one of the most common progressions in jazz music.We need to be able to understand and get around in this progression.I play and explain three levels of ...
Coltrane and the blues is an amazing cocktail. I analyze and explain how Coltrane plays such clear and beautiful lines when playing the blues. We dig into different embellishments on ...
Solo Preparation in 6.35 simple stepsThis video is about how to prepare for a solo you play in a band, with a play along, and or in some way performing ...
Triads – A Massive Boost To Your SolosWhen listening to Chris Potter I get very inspired. This video is how to add triads to your playing and practice and get ...
3 great melodic tools to develop strong melodiesMelody is the most important thing that music has. If you play a beautiful melody people will listen. Composers use many hours composing a ...
These 5 Tips Will Save You Years of PracticeIn this video I will go over 5 practice shortcuts I did not have when I started out as a jazz saxophone ...
Chord note solos – Instantly boost your jazz skills using this methodPlaying chord note solos really improves your overview of any tune. You learn the sound of the tune and the ...
It is very important to learn the best way you can learn. It is not important if you use much time or less time to practice. The time spent is ...
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