One Idea Solos is a great solo tool to train consistency and playing the same idea in more setting Watch Video and download PDF here Often when improvising the strongest ...
Unlock the secrets of elite musicianship! Learn how top players internalize rhythm, harmony, and phrasing to hear every note they play. Transform licks into instinct, automate musical habits, and start ...
Discover how to transform exercises into real jazz vocabulary using Chris Potter’s approach. Learn to apply patterns, arpeggios, and rhythms over Autumn Leaves, turning theory into music. Get structured practice ...
Is gear the secret to great playing, or just a distraction? This video explores Michael Brecker’s gear philosophy, personal experiences with saxophones, mouthpieces, and accessories, and the real impact of ...
Master pentatonics like Brecker and Berg! Explore their iconic phrasing, pentatonic shifts, and modern sounds over standards like Autumn Leaves. Learn scale applications, harmonic fits, and melodic tools. Download the ...
The first of many jazz solo etudes on standards.Have You Met miss Jones full chorus solo using sped up arpeggios to get the sudden change and movement in the rhythm ...
Master jazz soloing with moving scale patterns! Explore techniques inspired by Brecker, Henderson, and Potter to create fluid, dynamic melodies. Practice patterns across chords, tempos, and keys, and learn to ...
Struggling with dominants? In this video, I’ll show you how to fix your dominants forever with pro-level techniques. Unlock flexibility, resolve to any tone, and transform your playing. Master dominants ...
Discover The Power Of Real Timing! Michael Brecker’s practice techniques reveal that true rhythm lies in your fingers. By focusing on finger coordination, you can strengthen timing, refine phrasing, and ...
This video offers in-depth guidance on mastering the altered scale in jazz. It covers practical techniques for understanding and applying the scale, explores melodic minor-based substitutions, and includes scale and ...
You need to practice everything in all ways, but there are always ways to do it smarter and faster.These two PRO tips from Joel Frahm and Chris Potter are solid ...
Playing jazz with great timing and rhythm is a must.I’m using the method of the pros and is digging into how they learn and play off beats, syncopation and rhythmic ...
Michael Brecker had some totally unique methods to become as good as he was.By the help of the Michael Brecker Practice book I analyze his way of transforming a lick ...
Coltrane used the Barry Harris Dominant Approach extensively in his playing. This is how you can get the 4 dominants into your playing as well. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + ...
Arpeggios are one of the most important skills in jazz improvisation. These jazz licks show you the sound and how to use them in jazz improvisation. All licks are followed ...
The Dominant Diminished scale has so many beautiful hidden melodies ready to be played.Please practice and play the diminished scale like this and do not sound like the old nokia ...
Outside playing is kind of a must in today’s modern jazz. Brecker and Coltrane are experts in this so let’s grab the opportunity to learn from them – Learn Outside ...
Chris Potter Is truly a genius. He is an old soul in a jazz body. It is like his music holds all the playing styles of the earlier jazz heroes.This ...
Is it really worth checking out Classical Etudes? John Coltrane did!Michael Brecker did some classical training too.Why did the greats study classical and why should we play classical etudes as ...
Learning the Altered Scale is a matter of learning it the right way.Learning it using licks is so much easier than studying the scale.Learn the sound and you have immediate ...
Chris Potter is truly a Rhythm Genius. He learned from the greatest and kept developing. Check out how to start with simple rhythms and develop your rhythmic approach. LINK TO ...
Michael Brecker was an innovator and found new things in old things. He totally broke the bebop scale by introducing the bebop scale to his modern 4 note cell playing ...
Coltranes continuous development is a result of his creativity and ever evolving playing style. Coltrane kept developing new ways to play his music in any way he could. Use his ...
What are the actual differences between Coltrane And Rollins.And how do we benefit from this? Between these two giants they probably have all jazz knowledge existing. You can benefit from ...
Sonny Rollins is so articulate and plays such fine lines. His playing screams out that we need to learn from him. This is what Michael Brecker did and he became ...
Parker used enclosure and approach notes so refined that when studying jazz you must study Charlie Parker.Learning his Chromatic Notes Approach will advance your playing and start you on the ...
I Couldn’t Play Double Time Lines Until I Did ThisDouble Time is something you can learn.Yes it demands faster fingers and better timing, but its definitely possible. This is the ...
4 legendary Michael Brecker Practice tips shared and worked out.How did he become that good – Im diggin’ into how to thoroughly get better using the Michael Brecker Practice Approach ...
John Coltrane has phenomenal tritone dominant lines, but most don’t know about it. I am revealing how Coltrane plays such subtle and melodic tritone dominant lines and give you the ...
John Coltrane and Chris Potter have a special place in my world when it comes to articulation and phrasing. I am going to dig into how you should phrase and ...
The melody is one of the most important things in music.Chris Potters can teach you his amazing ability to always play amazing melodic lines. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + get ...
Michael Brecker knew how difficult it is to add new material into your working vocabulary.This is how to add practiced licks and lines into your vocabulary, using the Michael Brecker ...
Coltrane pentatonic scales are intriguing. How Coltrane divided the scale into chord functions and played amazing solos with this approachLearn the forms and develop your own lines in the modern ...
How Michael Brecker gets around in the tunes he plays keeps amazing me. Im digging into a few tips given in the newly released practice book of Michael Brecker. Always ...
There are a few core things we all must practice. All greats have practiced these 5 things and we should too. These 5 things will keep your playing sharp and on ...
Charlie Parker is a natural when it comes to melody playing. When we play melodies we need to think of how we connect to the next phrase. Knowledge of target ...
Michael Brecker is an incredible inspiration to me. How he moves around small musical themes, how he flows through rhythmic patterns and how with impeccable speed and precision executes his ...
The Chromatic Approach Note is such a small detail in jazz but it really has a great impact and can define your jazz lines.This is how training and using Chromatic ...
Coltrane’s unique sound comes from the way he practiced. Digging into and learning Coltranes practice approach will give you the ultimate base for some of the strongest jazz lines. LINK ...
Digging into alterations can really spice up your playing.Melodic minor is a great source of really nice and beautiful alterations.Within this scale are so many hidden gems. Open this pandora’s ...
The Beauty Of Modal Interchange Will Blow Your MindThese alterations are the most beautiful in all jazz language.Follow the video and find out how to train and apply to your ...
Parker, Coltrane and Brecker revolutionized chromatic playing.Learn to play using their chromatic trademarks and change your playing forever. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + get access to 3000+ pages of learning ...
How To Incorporate The Bebop Scale In Modern Jazz SolosThe bebop scale is great for inside playing. But the bebop scale is limitless and fits amazingly into the sound of ...
How does Michael Brecker play such beautiful melodic lines when playing outside.I check out several Michael Brecker approaches and give examples and exercises on how you can adapt his outside ...
Leveling up rhythm and phrasing is so important. I discovered the hard way that playing odd meters forces you to level up rhythm and phrasing. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + ...
How To Expand Coltrane’s Upper Structures ConceptExpand your view on chords and start thinking further.Add upper structures into your playing. Listening to the modern jazz heroes, they all play like ...
Chris Potter’s rhythm approach is epic modern jazz. Dig into his rhythm acceleration and phrasing and play the sound that defines modern jazz today. Chris Potter’s rhythmical explosions are mind ...
5 Steps To Get The Best SoundWe all know that sound is the most important thing. Here are some great tools to practice sound in an easy and quite fun ...
Charlie Parker and his gang of beboppers discovered a new style of music named bebop.There are some essential qualities in the sound that makes it sound right. Because of the ...
Timing is probably the most important thing to master when playing music.To get better timing we need to keep at it and be extremely aware of it every time we ...
Joe Henderson has defined the modern jazz sound with his intense and exciting playing.The way he plays arpeggios is a full study. Look into some of the amazing ideas and ...
Often you need to play a faster tune.How do you get your lines into the fast mode?How do you actually get your fingers to correspond with the tempo?How do you ...
The magic backdoor dominant in the group of minor subdominants are probably the most beautiful dominant in jazz. Understanding the origin and why this dominant is that beautiful is not only ...
Short video overview and pdf download list.Full access on tier 5 on Patreon 4 Beginner Licks You Must Know Don’t Play The Root – Play Upper Structures ...
The diminished scale is this crazy interesting scale.I really want to learn from the best so I choose Michael Brecker to learn from.What mr. Brecker can tell us about this ...
Some basic standard progressions are just more difficult to get a great sound out of. Choosing between different dominants when going to minor is a challenge you need to be up ...
Looking for a modern sound when playing jazz try unlocking the altered scale. There are a few shortcuts in the process.Use the knowledge and combine this with your skills and ...
The iconic recording of Tenor Madness is for me one of the recordings I keep getting back to. This track is ever inspiring and provides me with such knowledge of ...
Coltrane’s solos are amazingly clear and to the point. Looking at Coltrane’s solo lines the 4 note chord and scale lines is obvious.Here you will learn how to practice and ...
When your timing gets better everything you play just sounds betterBy studying double time your general timing will be much better. The easy to apply exercises in this video are ...
Consider joining me on Tier 20 on Patreon. You will get access to almost unlimited amounts of material. This includes of course the weekly video lesson transcriptions and the 50+ ...
When playing jazz you encounter lots of standard progressions you would need to master. The chain of dominants is one of the top most essential progressions.Walking you through the progression, ...
Michael Brecker is a star example on how to get everything out of dominant chords. Looking at three concepts to dig deeper into playing dominant alterations and resolving to minor ...
The essence of playing music must be to play musical lines.Knowing and being able to hear what sounds great and put this in a melodic context.Using a few guidelines like ...
Using triads gives you an amazing modern jazz sound.Super hip sounding triad pairs can be used both playing inside and outside the key.The simplicity of the triad pair and the ...
John Coltrane can teach us how to play great 16th notes lines. Get inspired on how to play double time. How to keep inventing new jazz lines on the same chords. ...
A major jazz hack is to use simple pentatonic scales to play very hip sounds. Get inspired and play 3 different altered dominants with these pentatonic scale jazz hack’s. LINK TO ...
Michael Brecker was and is still one of the best saxophonists in the world, no doubt.Get an inside look in his amazing world of patterns and lines. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD ...
By playing simple chord extensions your playing can lift to a whole new level. Showing you these dominant chord extensions and easily play and voice lead these into beautiful jazz ...
Mastering all 12 keys is like a super power in music. This will open up your playing, your creativity and your inspiration. All your playing will immediately get easier, because of ...
From light alterations to full blown outside playing.What tricks, scale patterns and arpeggios sound amazing when you want to play outside the key.Working through a few standard progressions playing outside ...
Learning licks from master players and adapting these into your playing is a major jazz skill you need to develop.Get around the major issues like add licks to your practice ...
From inside playing to outside sounding dominant chords. These dominant chords will unlock the sound from the giant of jazz – John Coltrane.Check out the voice leading, backdoor and tritone substituted ...
There are no avoid notes. The focus should be on the timing where you put the notes.In jazz music the avoid notes are often mentioned. The notes you are not ...
Music theory added to your playing, together with your ear training is the fastest way to get better at improvising jazz. Adding understanding and systematics to your playing can give ...
When I began playing music and when I chose to continue, there are certain steps I would have liked to have practiced differently. Putting attention on 4 of the very ...
Joe Henderson and Chris Potterhear the great similarities and how they each play their own licks, but so much inspiration overflow from Joe Henderson to Chris Potter. These two masters of ...
Through practicing these three steps you can open up the higher registers of the saxophone. Beginning with how to hear notes and playing overtones.Moving into playing in the altissimo registerAnd ...
Chris Potter has such a refined link to the great heroes of jazz, John Coltrane, Michael Brecker, Charlie Parker and the likes.How Chris Potter mixes the different inspirational streams into ...
Them The way Coltrane plays on minor chords should inspire us all.I show you how Coltrane uses enclosures and really nice sounding extensions on minor chords.I get around how Coltrane ...
Chromatic Enclosures are a huge part of the jazz language. Barry Harris teaches us bebop chromatic enclosures.Chris Cheek is going all in on chromatic enclosures.Learn the technical exercises behind enclosures ...
How a simple Cmaj7 chord is linked to so many more functions than being a tonic function. Learn to use your known standard major7 licks in new ways. Apply the licks ...
Sonny Rollins is an iconic player and saxophone hero.We can learn everything about sound, articulation, phrasing, rhythm and amazing jazz lines when listening to Sonny Rollins.Check these three solos is ...
There are so many uses of the pentatonic scale. From really simple modal playing to superimposing chords on changes.Beginning simple – taking you in a modal mode like Miles Davis ...
Playing the chords of a tune as arpeggios are one the most used skills when improvising jazz. You really need to get this into your playing as a second nature.We are ...
The information found in John Coltrane’s playing can keep you busy for ages. I have taken out a few of my favorite Non Bebop Coltrane licks and dug out the ...
The rhythmic concept in how Chris Potter plays arpeggios is really worth checking out.How the rhythm of the arpeggios adds so much value to the lines Chris Potter plays.Realizing that ...
The use of triads is an amazing way to access both inside and outside playing.The easy shape of the triad, with only three notes, is a super great way to ...
II-V-I licks are one of the most common progressions in jazz music.We need to be able to understand and get around in this progression.I play and explain three levels of ...
4 note jazz licks are probably one of the most important tools for your jazz solos.The 4-note jazz licks fit perfectly into the most common 4/4 bar.In this video I ...
Working on double time playing is nothing different than playing “normal” 8th notes, you just need to do it. In this video I give easy and clear practice examples taken out ...
Learning by listening and transcribing is probably the best way to learn jazz. But how do you do it?Going into the great solo of Hank Mobley on Dig Dis, using ...
Some say that Giant Steps is the most difficult tune in the world. It is not – it is just unfamiliar! Let’s get cracking at the Giant Steps changes and ...
Why playing outside is not complicated. Boiling the idea of playing outside down to adding one minor chord. And why Coltrane, Brecker and Potter sound amazing when they play outside. ...
Three Best Sound Exercises – Your Sound Is Most ImportantYou need to play with the best sound possible. This is what people listen to first. And a great sound inspires ...
10 Major7 Jazz Chord Licks That WorkMajor chords should be easy to play, but don’t make them dull and uninteresting. Coming up with good ideas on your major chords is ...
COLTRANE + PARKER – BEBOP LICKS YOU NEED TO KNOW Learning by copying your heroes is so important. John Coltrane and Charlie Parker are two of my great heroes. One ...
3 great minor sounds to play on dominant chordsAdding vocabulary to your playing is very important.The more ways you are able to get around in the changes of a tune, ...
SCALE FUNCTIONS – PRACTICE LIKE THIS IS MORE EFFECTIVEHow to connect your technique to your playingGetting inspired by my technique, yes it is fun to be able to execute. I ...
OVERTONES – DO THIS AND GET THE BEST SOUNDPractice overtones and get a much richer sound and better tone controlOvertones make your sound richer. You want to have a rich ...
GET THE SOUND OF THE TRITONE SUBSTITUTION Getting new sounds into your vocabulary is sometimes difficult. What should you play and how should you get on with it. One of ...
APPLY THE PENTATONIC SOUND IN YOUR PLAYING Pentatonic scales and hip pentatonic scales are not only for Michael Brecker, John Coltrane and Bob Berg. You can quite easily get a ...
HOW TO USE BEBOP CHROMATIC SURROUNDING NOTES Getting into improvisation and approaching jazz improvisation is completely linked to playing bebop. There is no way around it. It sounds really great ...
Saxophone Reeds – How to Choose the Right ReedPlaying a reed that does not fit you makes your sound dull and soft.Choosing a reed between the thousands of brands out ...
Jazz articulation – practise this – sound like a pro 4 ways to practise great articulation – examples and how to’s! LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF ON PATREON Articulation is one ...
Scale patterns – 3 scale patterns you must learn Training your scale patterns is great exercise, but are you training the right scale patterns?Are you actually using the patterns you ...
Amazing Jazz Lines – Play This Scale ExerciseThere is one most efficient scale exercise to improve your technique and improve your music!And it is no secret – it is playing ...
SCALE EXERCISES – DON’T WASTE YOUR TIMEThis is how to play music while practicing your scalesWe love music, we love to play music, we love to practice music. So we ...
COLTRANE THE BEST BEBOP 3 Coltrane Bebop Licks Explained John Coltrane was a young musician caught in the magic of Bebop as played by Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie in ...
5 Tips To Speed Up Your PlayingWe are constantly inspired by the great heroes of saxophone. One of the things that inspires me and I know inspires a lot of saxophone ...
Triads – A Massive Boost To Your SolosWhen listening to Chris Potter I get very inspired. This video is how to add triads to your playing and practice and get ...
Learn and remember jazz chords by following these 8 stepsWhen you are starting with playing jazz and improvising you are confronted with tons of material you “need” to know. In this ...
3 great melodic tools to develop strong melodiesMelody is the most important thing that music has. If you play a beautiful melody people will listen. Composers use many hours composing a ...
6 easy ways to apply alterations to dominant chordsAlterations is a great part of jazz music. Learning to play outside and play the hip notes is a “must” when you ...
The most important melodic Coltrane structures – explained and how to use John Coltrane is one of the most amazing saxophone players in history. If you sound half as good ...
Here are the technical and melodic tools you should master on any standard Blue Bossa, Perdido, Autumn Leaves, Blues, Pent up House Beginning with 5 basic standards is a great ...
4 tips on how to play amazing solos on minor chords In jazz music there are so many tunes where you have long stretches of minor chords on which you should ...
Visualize and silent practice – Get the most out of your practise in this wayMany saxophone players do not have the possibility to practise at home with sound. This is ...
3 of the greatest bebop lick’s – apply to gain great flexibility Using bebop licks when improvising is a must. It almost does not matter what music style you improvise in ...
You need to know these 10 tunes first when learning jazz When learning jazz we start by learning tunes. Learning tunes from the American songbook is one of the most ...
GET BETTER TIMING DO THIS AND IMPROVE ALL THINGS ABOUT YOUR PLAYING10 ways to improve your playing by using a metronome All great artists have one thing in common – great ...
MOST IMPORTANT – YOU SHOULD ALWAYS IMPROVE YOUR SOUND4 of the most effective sound exercises for your daily practise The first thing people listen to when they hear you play ...
BUYING A SAXOPHONE – DO NOT MAKE THESE MISTAKESHow to check out a saxophone for great, equal sound and smooth mechanics There is a lot of trade in saxophones. Sometimes ...
DOUBLE TIME – YOU NEED TO START SLOWHow to practice and add 16th note lines to your playing Rhythm is the most important matter in music.You really need to be ...
BEST PRACTICE – USE YOUR TIME THE BEST WAY POSSIBLEHow to set up a short flexible practice routine Do not get strangled in long practice programs stretching over months of ...
RHYTHM CHANGE – HOW TO EXPAND THE CHORD SCHEME Add the 6th dominant chord to a simple rhythm change scheme Rhythm change is a great chord scheme to play. All ...
I think a lot of you will agree with me that listening to Coltrane is amazing. We probably all have one or more periods of time in Coltrane’s playing where ...
INTONATION, EMBOUCHURE AND VIBRATO – HERE IS HOW TO 3 super bonanza embouchure exercises using only your mouthpiece I think it is difficult, I am always struggling with this, I ...
How to use 3 common pentatonic scales for great dominant alterations The pentatonic sound is easy to manage and easy to play as a scale. Another real great thing adding to ...
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