Want to solo like the jazz greats? This lesson breaks down the first rule of jazz soloing—mastering chord tones. Using Autumn Leaves, I’ll show you how pros like Chet Baker ...
Jazz Etude Collection – Arpeggios to the 9th – Autumn LeavesDownload PDF + check out video https://www.patreon.com/posts/124341553The chords of the tunes we play are the foundation of the form of ...
Discover how to transform your jazz solos with long, connected lines that flow effortlessly over chord progressions. Learn techniques from Stan Getz, master guide tones, target notes, and forward motion, ...
To improvise using scales when playing jazz is a must. This etude takes you through the first step in the proces, connecting basic chord tones with the scale.At the same time ...
One Idea Solos is a great solo tool to train consistency and playing the same idea in more setting Watch Video and download PDF here Often when improvising the strongest ...
Can you play a pure chord-tone solo over the jazz tunes you know? Watch Video and download PDF here Mastering chord tones is one of the most powerful tools in ...
Jazz Etude Collection – Motifs – The Strongest Melodic Tool Motifs – The Strongest Melodic Tool there is in music.Inspirational Etude on “Have You Met Miss Jones” on how to ...
Master pentatonics like Brecker and Berg! Explore their iconic phrasing, pentatonic shifts, and modern sounds over standards like Autumn Leaves. Learn scale applications, harmonic fits, and melodic tools. Download the ...
If you want to learn to play Have You Met Miss Jones You might want to start herePlay and learn the chords and arpeggios VideoDownload PDF Free Scale Practice PDF ...
The first of many jazz solo etudes on standards.Have You Met miss Jones full chorus solo using sped up arpeggios to get the sudden change and movement in the rhythm ...
Learn to master the jazz standard ‘Autumn Leaves’ with this step-by-step guide. From melody and harmony to improvisation, this presentation simplifies complex techniques, offering practical exercises, rhythm tips, and chord ...
Set 2025 as the year to master tough keys and sound like jazz greats. Learn efficient practice goal-setting, from breaking down Chris Potter solos to integrating techniques into tunes. Achieve ...
Discover the biggest musical lessons of 2024: turn warm-ups into endless musical phrases, master slow and precise practice for true integration, and explore the magic of groupings and posture for ...
Turn every warm-up into music with Pat Metheny’s purposeful chord exercises, Chris Potter’s play-and-fix approach, and the amazing Ben Wendel’s triad approach, emphasizing voice leading, tone, and musicality. Focus on ...
Follow These 6 Steps To Learn Jazz FasterMaster jazz with the 6-Level Genius Approach: listen to legends like Coltrane and Brecker, learn and internalize tunes, develop strong technique, and blend ...
Master jazz soloing with moving scale patterns! Explore techniques inspired by Brecker, Henderson, and Potter to create fluid, dynamic melodies. Practice patterns across chords, tempos, and keys, and learn to ...
Transform your practice routine with wisdom from Chris Potter and Joel Frahm! Potter emphasizes fixing limitations as you play, while Frahm champions taking small, focused baby steps. Combine these with ...
You need to practice everything in all ways, but there are always ways to do it smarter and faster.These two PRO tips from Joel Frahm and Chris Potter are solid ...
Chris Potter has an unique way of moving around in the jazz language.I believe it’s because of his one EPIC method of being able to play everything he hears. Learn ...
Scale practice is really important because scales often express melody.Scales make beautiful jazz lines and you need them ready in your fingers.Practice scales in these 10 different forms. LINK TO ...
The most effective way to learn jazz is by playing jazz tunes. Start the best way possible by following these 5 simple steps.Do not get the beginning wrong LINK TO ...
Secondary dominants are such a big part of jazz that you simply must learn these.The simple system presented in this video will make the application into music so much easier ...
Practicing the II-V-I progression is the best practice you can do.Learn the basic chords, add scales, learn the sound and get playing. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + get access to ...
Practicing modes is just not the most musical or efficient way to learn jazz improvisation.Modes get in the way of learning the actual structure and real sound of the songs ...
Is it really worth checking out Classical Etudes? John Coltrane did!Michael Brecker did some classical training too.Why did the greats study classical and why should we play classical etudes as ...
Coltranes continuous development is a result of his creativity and ever evolving playing style. Coltrane kept developing new ways to play his music in any way he could. Use his ...
Ear-training is not sitting down and listening to chords and recognizing them, It’s not hearing all the musical intervals. Ear-training is how you learn music and how you should practice ...
Sonny Rollins is so articulate and plays such fine lines. His playing screams out that we need to learn from him. This is what Michael Brecker did and he became ...
4 legendary Michael Brecker Practice tips shared and worked out.How did he become that good – Im diggin’ into how to thoroughly get better using the Michael Brecker Practice Approach ...
These 5 practice tips will take you so far when getting into your training sessions.Down to earth tips that brings you to the core of practicing no matter what level ...
You must become really good at instant composing. To do this, start with the melody. Solo with the melody of the tune in mind gives you a much more natural improvising ...
It is all about playing beautiful melodies when soloing.But how do you get to the point where you actually do play beautiful melodies, how do you keep playing beautiful melodies ...
Jazz soloing is all about playing beautiful melodies.But how do you find the beautiful melodies between chords and scales?Use this Chord Scale Approach getting into guide tone lines, target notes ...
John Coltrane and Chris Potter have a special place in my world when it comes to articulation and phrasing. I am going to dig into how you should phrase and ...
The melody is one of the most important things in music.Chris Potters can teach you his amazing ability to always play amazing melodic lines. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + get ...
Michael Brecker knew how difficult it is to add new material into your working vocabulary.This is how to add practiced licks and lines into your vocabulary, using the Michael Brecker ...
Coltrane pentatonic scales are intriguing. How Coltrane divided the scale into chord functions and played amazing solos with this approachLearn the forms and develop your own lines in the modern ...
There are 4 very important scale exercises that start all jazz development. Know these or know thede better and you get so much insight and enable yourself to get better ...
How Michael Brecker gets around in the tunes he plays keeps amazing me. Im digging into a few tips given in the newly released practice book of Michael Brecker. Always ...
There are a few core things we all must practice. All greats have practiced these 5 things and we should too. These 5 things will keep your playing sharp and on ...
Charlie Parker is a natural when it comes to melody playing. When we play melodies we need to think of how we connect to the next phrase. Knowledge of target ...
Michael Brecker is an incredible inspiration to me. How he moves around small musical themes, how he flows through rhythmic patterns and how with impeccable speed and precision executes his ...
I have learned so much from transcribing, practicing and applying great masters’ licks and lines into my own playing. I believe that this is the part of my musical training ...
Coltrane’s simple and powerful lines are a direct result of how Coltrane always plays directly into the target notes.When digging deep into Coltrane playing you will discover he is playing ...
The Most Important Scale In JazzThere are a lot of scales in jazz but clearly one scale is the most important to know in all aspects.Showing you exercises and licks ...
The top 4 of what keeps you from practicing and how to solve this.Keep being motivated and inspired and get the best result out of your practice time.Also if you ...
I remember learning jazz – there was no real guide – just do.I know that with the right start you will be apple to understand, learn and advance much faster ...
Some hate licks, some love them. I give you the formulae why you should practice jazz licksAnd giving you lots of ideas how you can integrate the amazing sounds from ...
Leveling up rhythm and phrasing is so important. I discovered the hard way that playing odd meters forces you to level up rhythm and phrasing. LINK TO VIDEODOWNLOAD PDF + ...
Looking at the common major scale 4 out of 7 chords are minor. Learn how the Minor II-V-I really works.We really need to know everything about minor – this is how. ...
Chris Potter’s rhythm approach is epic modern jazz. Dig into his rhythm acceleration and phrasing and play the sound that defines modern jazz today. Chris Potter’s rhythmical explosions are mind ...
Often you need to play a faster tune.How do you get your lines into the fast mode?How do you actually get your fingers to correspond with the tempo?How do you ...
All the jazz greats are absolute masters when playing the major scale. They need to be because the major scale is the absolute most important scale when playing the functional ...
The magic backdoor dominant in the group of minor subdominants are probably the most beautiful dominant in jazz. Understanding the origin and why this dominant is that beautiful is not only ...
Short video overview and pdf download list.Full access on tier 5 on Patreon 4 Beginner Licks You Must Know https://www.patreon.com/posts/97230686 https://youtube.com/shorts/r_UIIUldxzk Don’t Play The Root – Play Upper Structures https://www.patreon.com/posts/97230613 ...
The iconic recording of Tenor Madness is for me one of the recordings I keep getting back to. This track is ever inspiring and provides me with such knowledge of ...
Consider joining me on Tier 20 on Patreon. You will get access to almost unlimited amounts of material. This includes of course the weekly video lesson transcriptions and the 50+ ...
Michael Brecker is a star example on how to get everything out of dominant chords. Looking at three concepts to dig deeper into playing dominant alterations and resolving to minor ...
Coltranes blues sound is so powerful because of the simplicity and how Coltrane applies his lines to the blues. Begin using these Coltrane short blues phrases to build your own ...
Mastering all 12 keys is like a super power in music. This will open up your playing, your creativity and your inspiration. All your playing will immediately get easier, because of ...
Learning licks from master players and adapting these into your playing is a major jazz skill you need to develop.Get around the major issues like add licks to your practice ...
Music theory added to your playing, together with your ear training is the fastest way to get better at improvising jazz.Adding understanding and systematics to your playing can give you ...
These three exercises will teach you the basics of playing jazz linesExplaining simple chords and arpeggios, forward motion and guide tone lines. Adding scales and you have a great mix ...
Sonny Rollins is an iconic player and saxophone hero.We can learn everything about sound, articulation, phrasing, rhythm and amazing jazz lines when listening to Sonny Rollins.Check these three solos is ...
Modern Jazz and bebop is linked together – there is no doubt about this.All the great players of today have all studied bebop relentlessly. The step to take you closer to ...
Coltrane and the blues is an amazing cocktail. I analyze and explain how Coltrane plays such clear and beautiful lines when playing the blues. We dig into different embellishments on ...
Learning by listening and transcribing is probably the best way to learn jazz. But how do you do it?Going into the great solo of Hank Mobley on Dig Dis, using ...
Some say that Giant Steps is the most difficult tune in the world. It is not – it is just unfamiliar! Let’s get cracking at the Giant Steps changes and ...
JAZZ IMPROVISATION 7 STEPS TO LEARN FASTER When practicing music there are definitely no shortcuts, only ways to practice better. In this video I go through the best and fastest ...
COLTRANE THE BEST BEBOP 3 Coltrane Bebop Licks Explained John Coltrane was a young musician caught in the magic of Bebop as played by Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie in ...
Learn and remember jazz chords by following these 8 stepsWhen you are starting with playing jazz and improvising you are confronted with tons of material you “need” to know. In this ...
These 5 Tips Will Save You Years of PracticeIn this video I will go over 5 practice shortcuts I did not have when I started out as a jazz saxophone ...
Here are the technical and melodic tools you should master on any standard Blue Bossa, Perdido, Autumn Leaves, Blues, Pent up House Beginning with 5 basic standards is a great ...
You need to know these 10 tunes first when learning jazz When learning jazz we start by learning tunes. Learning tunes from the American songbook is one of the most ...
RHYTHM CHANGE – HOW TO EXPAND THE CHORD SCHEME Add the 6th dominant chord to a simple rhythm change scheme Rhythm change is a great chord scheme to play. All ...
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